
Sir David Attenborough: Ludia sa prestali vyvijat
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Autor:  Riso [ Ut. 17. Sep 2013, 18:06 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Sir David Attenborough: Ludia sa prestali vyvijat

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Sir David, whose new show concentrates on the ascent of man, said he believed humans had now stopped evolving in physical terms, after developing means to keep even the weakest of the species alive.

Saying we are now able to rear up to 99 per cent of our babies, he added people were no longer subject to Darwinian theories natural selection.

Instead, he proposed, humans would continue to develop in a cultural sense; inheriting knowledge from previous generations and building upon it.

In an interview with the Radio Times this week, Sir David said: “I think that we’ve stopped evolving.

“Because if natural selection, as proposed by Darwin, is the main mechanism of evolution – there may be other things, but it does look as though that’s the case – then we’ve stopped natural selection.

“We stopped natural selection as soon as we started being able to rear 95–99 per cent of our babies that are born.

“We are the only species to have put a halt to natural selection, of its own free will, as it were.”

Sir David, who will present Rise of Animals on BBC2, added: “Stopping natural selection is not as important, or as depressing, as it might sound – because our evolutionary process is now cultural.

“Humans have a great cultural inheritance as well as a physical, genetic inheritance – we can inherit a knowledge of computers or television, electronics, aeroplanes and so on.

“Each generation has got all these books that tell them these things, so our cultural evolution is proceeding with extraordinary swiftness.”

He also insisted he was grateful to live in the modern day, saying that things were likely to get worse with future generations looking back “at a world that was less crowded, full of natural wonders, and healthier.”

Suhlasite? Naozaj sme zastavili prirodnu selekciu? Pomerne prekvapive tvrdenia or tohto pana.

Dotycny je inac celkom uznavana osoba, co sa tyka evolucie.

Autor:  buči [ Št. 19. Sep 2013, 11:01 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Sir David Attenborough: Ludia sa prestali vyvijat

Toto by som skor postol do sekcie "eugenika"
akekolvek riesenie ktore zamedzuje plodeniu ludskeho rodu alebo ho meni je tabu
a pre vela ludi sa stavas automaticky monstrum a nacista ..mna dokonca preto chceli vystvat s tohto fora
myslim si ze cela tato tema ja na bode mrazu a este desatrocia bude

Autor:  Riso [ Št. 19. Sep 2013, 11:25 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Sir David Attenborough: Ludia sa prestali vyvijat

buči napísal:
Toto by som skor postol do sekcie "eugenika"
akekolvek riesenie ktore zamedzuje plodeniu ludskeho rodu alebo ho meni je tabu
a pre vela ludi sa stavas automaticky monstrum a nacista ..mna dokonca preto chceli vystvat s tohto fora
myslim si ze cela tato tema ja na bode mrazu a este desatrocia bude

Ty si prolajfista?

Aky mas nazor napriklad na to, ze RKC odmieta v Afrike kondomy, co je hlavna pricina sirenia aids. A co tak India? Myslis, ze je realisticke, aby ta krajina vobec niekedy v buducnosti dosiahla zivotny standard EU / USA pre vyse bilion ludi? Lebo jedina moznost, ako zlepsit zivotnu urovnen a potlacit chudobu v takych krajinach, je ked tam bude menej ludi - proste bilion ludi z chudoby do strednej triedy nevytiahnes, na to nie su zdroje (si predstav, ze by bilion Indion zvysilo konzum na uroven Americanov).

Myslis si, ze by pre EU bolo lepsie, keby bol priemerny pocet deti na rodinu 4? Nezvysilo by to chudobu dramaticky?

Autor:  alef0 [ Pi. 20. Sep 2013, 10:27 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: Sir David Attenborough: Ludia sa prestali vyvijat

V predoslej inkarnacii tejto temy sa velmi rozoberal fakt, ze nastroje su integralnou sucastou evolucie. Existuje jedna linia, ktora tvrdi, ze keby sme hodili dnesneho cloveka do pralesa, tak umrie: a bola by to pravda. Na druhej strane je to argument mozno taky, ako ked hodime velrybu do lesa, kde si vela nepozije. Tym, ze clovek vyvija a pouziva nastroje, evolvuje sa, lebo je v stave prisposobovat sa prostrediu vzhladom na okolnosti.

My sme akurat boli schopni tie nastroje doladit do takej dokonalosti, ze vieme dramaticky ovplyvnovat plodnost a rozmnozovanie.

Prekvapivo, Dan Brown v Inferne adresuje prave toto.

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