
[BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov
Stránka 13 z 15

Autor:  alef0 [ So. 22. Nov 2008, 23:50 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Majo potrebuje inu skupinu ludi.

Inak velmi pekny prispevok, Peekay. Spytam sa na doplnenie:

Asi to bude tym, ze clovek je tvor komplexny a nieco ho moze zaroven "poskodzovat" v jednom smere, a obohacovat v inom.

Su filmy, ked clovek sedi, boli ho zadok, zaspava, chyta sa za hlavu, chce odist, ale po filme zisti, ze to bola uplne uzasna vec. (tu sa nejedna o brain damage, len o nudu, nezaujem, nepochopenie, rezignaciu)
Su filmy, ked clovek sedi, dostava prislusnu davku Kt braindamageu (v zmysle mozog vybuchuje, nedokaze stravit debilinu, idiotinu a podobne) a smiech je jediny sposob, ako prezit v zdravi. (Think Sex in the City, aj ked ja som ho pochopil inak). Dokaze taketo nieco obohatit cloveka okrem cistej zabavy resp. vyplachu mozgu, ktory je nasledne cisty na prijimanie niecoho dalsieho?

Ja si viem predstavit situaciu, ze strana dostava v hre brain damage a tento fakt explicitne oznamuje vsetkym a po hre vyhlasi, ze sa bavi / poucuje a ze to moze posobit (na mna) ako takpovediac "pokrytectvo". "Pokrytectvo" v tom zmysle, ze strana krici v danom momente na vsetky strany ako jej to posobi ujmu (a pozitiva su neoznamovane) a po hre tvrdi pravy opak (teda uz vidi pozitiva a negativa nie su oznamovane). Podotykam, ze mam na mysli diela, kde od istej davky braindamagu prestava mat nejake poucne posolstvo, resp. brain damage prehlusi vsetko ostatne. (Da sa nejak poucit z Kittnerovych klipov?)

Pritom paradoxne mylne moze byt vnimany len sposob komunikacie, pretoze naozaj strana sa moze v skutocnosti tesit a extremne vykriky su len pre obveselenie spolocnosti.

Samozrejme, pripad, ked je hrac ticho, je nevyhodny. Lebo napr. neviem posudit, ci sa znudene vyzerajuci hrac bavi vo vnutri, len to nevie vyjadrit alebo je naozaj znudeny (a nastava situacia ako vyssie spomenute bolo).

Autor:  Quicci [ Ne. 23. Nov 2008, 1:10 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

alef0 napísal:
Majo potrebuje inu skupinu ludi.

nech vyskusa napriklad tuto

ak dostane prilezitost, a potom nech povie rozdiel.

Autor:  Peekay [ Ne. 23. Nov 2008, 1:32 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

alef0 napísal:
Dokaze taketo nieco obohatit cloveka okrem cistej zabavy resp. vyplachu mozgu, ktory je nasledne cisty na prijimanie niecoho dalsieho?

Podla mna sa vzdy nieco da najst. Niekedy je prinosom len jedina veta ci myslienka, ktora zarezonuje a da sa nad nou uvazovat. Mozno som v tomto jediny, ale napriklad taky Sex v meste u mna vyvolal medzi inymi napriklad otazky:

  • Kedy je dovera partnerovi na mieste, kedy nie?
  • Existuje situacia, kedy moze pravda uskodit? Ako ju rozoznat od opacneho pripadu?
  • Ma niekedy zmysel cloveka odsudit uplne, nezvratne, bez moznosti "vzatia na milost"?

Takto by sa dalo este chvilu pokracovat... a to iba ak uvazujeme od obsahu. Mozeme sa zamyslat trebars nad formou... co tak henten zaber? Tamto pouzitie slow-motion? Akym sposobom korespondoval soundtrack so scenarom? etc etc etc.

(A obcas je tym prinosom holt titul najhorsieho zombie filmu ever)

Autor:  Aljen [ Ne. 23. Nov 2008, 1:45 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Mierne ta poopravim...
najhorsieho zombie filmu ever

Autor:  Majo [ Ne. 23. Nov 2008, 16:30 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Ospravedlňujem sa, ak som niekoho urazil. Nemyslel som si, že je to až take citlivé. Z veľkej časti som to napísal preto lebo som si naozaj myslel, že nemáte veĺkú chuť hrať ďalej. Ale evidentne som sa mýlil.

(Inač, nechcem sa vyhýbat osobnej diskusii. Ale otvárať nejakú tému o pol štvrtej v noc,i po deviatich hodinách hry, mi nepripadalo vhodné. Rád sa porozprávam osobne. Bolo by to tak najlepšie.)

Autor:  Bifi [ Po. 24. Nov 2008, 23:10 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Z jednej príjemnej príručky o tvorbe postáv:

Never Leave Home Without Them

Even non-superheroes sometimes need a utility belt. In the dangerous, cutthroat world of adventuring, any edge could spell the difference between life and death. Sometimes this includes what many might consider too commonplace to warrant a mention. The items detailed below, while on the surface rather ordinary, could in the right situation, turn disaster into triumph.

Blindfolds, Earplugs and Nose Plugs
Anything that impairs the senses also reduces the effectiveness of monsters and others attempting to use sensory attacks. Anyone prudent enough to carry these sorts of things around likely also spends some time practicing with them in safe circumstances. This could reduce some of the drawbacks of using them. On a related note, prisoners and other hostiles often prove a lot more tractable and easy to deal with if suffering from impaired senses as well as restrained movement.

Almost nothing beats flour as a cheap way to identify or mark otherwise unseen foes. Whether scattering it in the air to coat an invisible creature, or throwing it on the ground to create something for footprints to track through, flour rarely disappoints. Of course, flour proves useful in other situations too, particularly for those with a bit of imagination and a flare for the dramatic. Gullible opponents might well pause or even flee if suddenly confronted with a pouch of ‘death dust.’ Expect any opponent falling for the ruse to beat a hasty retreat away from the “toxic” cloud. Similarly, coating a garment or object with flour sometimes works as a critical first step in creating a “ghost” or other spooky seeming situation.

Gloves serve as a barrier between their wearer’s hands and the rest of the world. This makes contact poisons much less effective. Once could also argue that gloves should wipe away some or all of the poison on needles before they actually manage to pierce the skin of a hand. Similarly, monsters that specifically need to touch the skin to deal their special attacks might find gloves quite frustrating.

Goody Bag
Adventurers who make a point of carrying around a bag filled with minor trinkets and a variety of food items rarely regret it. When used as distractions, bribes, or tokens of esteem, trinkets can sometimes prove more valuable than gold. Grease Grease works much like marbles, with the added advantage that it stays put, making it much easier for those aware of it to keep clear as enemies stumble and fall. Lubricants like grease also make it much easier to slide objects along. They take care of squeaky hinges, stuck windows, and similar nuisances. If lathered on weapons and other gear, grease creates a reliable barrier against corrosion and other threats, whether natural or due to monster attacks.

Hollow Tube
If used as a snorkel, a hollow tube makes it possible to stay submerged almost indefinitely. Whether trying to escape archers patrolling a river’s edge or hiding from a giant within his enormous gravy boat, this opportunity to keep breathing without raising the head could prove lifesaving. On the flipside, a hollow tube also makes it possible to turn a gust of breath into a minor, but still sometimes useful tool. Focused into a single stream by a hollow tube it scatters dust and other loose materials. This could hide dusty footprints or reveal potential threats beneath something without actually touching it. Taken to an extreme, hollow tubes can propel powder or similar
substances into the air or faces of opponents.

Dropping a bag of marbles on a floor or any other surface almost instantly makes things much more difficult for those trying to move over it. If released at the top of stairs or on a slope, gravity becomes an ally that swiftly sends them away. When sent rolling down unexplored corridors, marbles might set off traps or reveal hazards without any risk to their owner.

Pepper and Other Spices
For creatures that rely upon their sense of smell, strong spices prove even more disabling than a flash grenade. Since these materials tend to linger on surfaces, they act as excellent and low-tech ways to knock creatures that track by scent off a trail. Similarly, they also affect the taste of anything they come into contact with, including people in danger of being swallowed. With a little courage, and a steady throwing arm, spices could even affect creatures that use breath attacks by causing them to sneeze or choke at the worst possible moment.

Wax (candles or otherwise)
A supply of candles, especially those made at the same time and with the same materials, make coordination between different groups possible since they should burn at the same speed. If mashed down, their wax works as a handy means of making impressions of runes, carvings, keys, and similar things encountered upon adventures. This makes it easier to get accurate information from experts later on. Wax also sometimes serves as a less obvious way to sabotage mechanisms than simply smashing them. This makes it much easier to sneak away before enemies figure out that someone has disabled a critical device.

Autor:  Fingalen [ Ut. 06. Jan 2009, 0:54 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Už sme mŕkvi?

Autor:  Peekay [ St. 07. Jan 2009, 11:59 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

No veru veru, nomadsky kmen by uz aj znovu vyrazil za lootom... co tak niekedy v priebehu buduceho tyzdna?

Autor:  Aljen [ St. 07. Jan 2009, 14:27 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

tiez by som rad pokracoval v pribehu trpazlika ... ah ved vlastne ten ani nezacal :)
To nic roztlct nejake potvory kladivom je tiez ok :P

Autor:  Bifi [ St. 07. Jan 2009, 19:01 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Hej, už to pomaly bude. Dajte preferencie na budúci týždeň.

Autor:  Quicci [ St. 07. Jan 2009, 20:41 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

workday po 1730
weekend neobmedzene

Autor:  Baelara [ Št. 08. Jan 2009, 10:23 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

workday dobrý, len preboha nie do piatej rana :)

Autor:  Peekay [ Št. 08. Jan 2009, 13:32 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Baelara napísal:
workday dobrý, len preboha nie do piatej rana :)


Autor:  Aljen [ St. 21. Jan 2009, 15:52 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

No ako ako??
goblinov treba pitvat - tak kedy bude prilezitost?

Autor:  Bifi [ Pi. 30. Jan 2009, 1:57 ]
Predmet príspevku:  Re: [BD&D] Keep on the Borderlands - hľadám hráčov

Budúci týždeň, čo vy na to?
Otázka je kde, ak nás bude zase ako hadov.

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